

The psychology major comprises ten courses; these are selected by students with their advisors 和 are subject to departmental review.

The following three core courses should be completed 之前 the junior year when feasible:
1101年心理学心理学概论 (which is a prerequisite to further study in psychology)1
从心理学3000-3999中选择两门高级研讨会课程. a, b, c, d, e2





  • Students are encouraged to consider an independent study including a directed reading, 中间, 或高级独立学习, 或中级或高级的合作研究. 独立学习课程不计入核心课程, 实验室, 高级课程, 或本专业的主题水平要求, but may count toward the ten credits required for the major 和 the six credits toward the minor.
  • Students who wish to pursue honors in psychology should identify a potential faculty mentor in their junior year. 荣誉是在大四的两个学期的顺序. 荣誉项目课程不计入核心课程, 实验室, 高级课程, 或该专业的主题水平要求. 荣誉课程的指导方针可在部门网站上查阅
  • Students who are considering a major in psychology are encouraged to enroll in 1101年心理学 心理学概论 在买球平台大学的第一年,并报名参加 2510年心理学 心理学研究设计2520年心理学 数据分析 第二年的时候.
  • 学生必须参加 2510年心理学 心理学研究设计 之前 2520年心理学 数据分析 以及任何2700以上的课程.
  • Students who declare 心理学 as a major or minor prior to Fall 2024 may take 2520年心理学 数据分析  同时(或之前)任何2700或更高的课程. 在2024年秋季之后宣布心理学为主修或辅修的学生必须参加 2520年心理学 数据分析 在2700或更高的课程之前.
  • 如果可能的话, students should begin their 实验室 work no later than the first semester of their junior year.
  • 学生必须参加 their advanced seminar courses in their junior or senior years.
  • Those who plan to study away from campus for one or both semesters of their junior year should complete a 实验室 course or an advanced seminar course 之前 leaving for their off-campus experience 和 plan their courses so that they can complete the major after returning to campus. Students should speak with the chair of the department regarding their off-campus study plans 和 transfer of credit toward the major. 在其他地方修的实验课或高级课程可以算作选修课, but are not normally counted toward the 实验室 or 高级课程 requirement.
  • 心理学 does not limit the number of study away courses that can be counted toward the major or minor.
  • Majors 和 minors may double-count certain courses with certain other departments or programs.  Students who coordinate a major in psychology with digital 和 computational studies, 教育, 或者环境研究可能会重复计算某些课程.  Majors 和 minors may double count PSYC 2520 数据分析 toward another major or minor that requires a quantitative or data analytic course.  请与主席会面,讨论重复计算的选择.
  • Students who major or minor in psychology may not also major in neuroscience; students who major in neuroscience may not also major or minor in psychology. 


满足心理学的主要或次要要求, a course must be taken for a st和ard letter grade 和 a grade of C- or better must be earned. 有一个例外: 1101年心理学 心理学概论 可以选择信用/D/不及格评分选项吗, 和 it counts toward the major or minor if a grade of CR (Credit) is earned for the course.


Students who receive a minimum score of four on the 心理学 AP exam or a minimum score of five on the 心理学 IB exam are considered to have met the prerequisite for courses requiring 1101年心理学 心理学概论.  In order to receive credit for Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate work, students must have their scores officially reported to the Office of the Registrar by the end of their sophomore year at Bowdoin, 但是达到最低分数要求的学生可以免试 1101年心理学 心理学概论​ are strongly recommended to submit their scores to the Office of the Registrar as soon as possible as those scores will serve as the prerequisite for all other psychology courses. 如果学生放出来 1101年心理学 心理学概论, 这个专业还必须修完十门心理学课程, 和 six for the minor; any psychology course including any type of independent study, 协作研究, 或者心理学的荣誉项目课程可以算作第十门课程.  


心理学专业可以为许多职业道路做准备, although some positions may require additional 教育 or specialized training. 职业包括心理学、咨询或社会工作, 但它们也包括药物, 公共卫生, 早期教育, 中学教学, 政府, 和 many fields in the business world including advertising or market research, 客户服务, 人力资源, 数据分析. 心理学 provides students with an underst和ing of human behavior that is applicable to most any career.

有些学生毕业后很快就会开始他们的职业生涯, while others will continue their 教育 or gain relevant work experience through internships, 研究职位, 或者是初级职位,可以提高他们在特定领域的就业能力. A prospective major should discuss their career goals with someone in the department as soon as possible as they may want to tailor their 教育 和 experiences accordingly. A student’s major advisor can help students reflect upon their interests 和 goals to allow them to tailor their own path through the major. 不管职业目标如何, psychology provides students the opportunity to develop their critical thinking 和 problem-solving skills, 提高他们的写作能力, 和 learn how to conduct research in a manner that allows them to ask 和 answer questions about the human experience.

For examples of career paths taken by recent alumni visit 校友与职业 page. For resources on starting careers in psychology visit 资源与机会.


心理学是研究心灵的科学, 大脑, 以及个体的行为(尤其是人类个体). 这个系的第一门课是 1101年心理学 心理学概论 这是所有其他心理学课程的先决条件吗. 这门课每学期都开设. It provides a broad overview of the topics covered in psychology as well as an introduction to how psychological research is conducted.

没有分班考试 1101年心理学 心理学概论; we assume that most students have not had the opportunity to take a psychology course in high school. 然而, 在心理学AP考试中获得4分或以上的学生, 或在IB高级考试中取得5分或以上的成绩, 可以跳过 1101年心理学 心理学概论. 对于这些学生,我们建议 2010年心理学 婴幼儿发展 or 2025年心理学 精神病理学 in the fall; or 2012年心理学 教育心理学2030年心理学 社会心理学2040年心理学 认知:买球平台我们如何学习、思考和行动的科学, or 2050年心理学 生物心理学 在春天. 虽然这些学生也有资格参加 2510年心理学 心理学研究设计 in the fall of their first year, we advise them to wait at least one semester 之前 doing so.

This is an excerpt from the official Bowdoin College Catalogue 和 Academic H和book. 查看目录